Festive Rituals Gift Set

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 "Create sacred moments of peace, where tranquility dances with intention and every breath becomes and ritual of renewal."

Immerse yourself in the Festive Rituals Gift Set - a carefully crafted collection designed to transform your space and spirit into a haven  of calm and connection. This exquisite ensemble invites you  to pause, breath, and embrace moments of pure, intentional self-care. 

What awaits your senses:

  • Healing Rituals Hand & Body Soap 350ml (Wild Orange, Basil & Lime) 
  • Healing Rituals Hand & Body Lotion 350ml (Wild Orange, Basil & Lime) 
  • Healing Rituals Room Mist 350ml (Wild Orange, Basil & Lime) 
  • Gratitude Journal 
  • Healing Scents Candle ( Orange, Cloves & Cinnamon) 

Beautifully packaged in Healing Earth gift wrapping

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