Pinotage Body Polish

R604.00 R483.20
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Pinotage Body Velvet

Pinotage Body Velvet

Condition & Hydrate Bath & Body Oil

Condition & Hydrate Bath & Body Oil

A gentle cream-based exfoliator with the refreshing scent of eucalyptus. Deep nourishment from shea butter, beeswax and pinotage oil combine with light grapeseed and apricot kernel granules to stimulate and exfoliate the skin, leaving a lasting hydrated and even skin tone. Perfect for use before tanning. 

Directions: For smooth and even skin tone, massage the polish into your skin in circular movements all over your body. Use in the shower for a sinus-clearing eucalyptus steam. Perfect for use before tanning.

Key Ingredients:

Shea Butter

A highly concentrated source of fatty acids and vitamins, pure hydration and nourishment for the skin. Boasting anti inflammatory and skin healing properties.

Crushed Grape Seed & Apricot Kernal

The crushed seeds and kernels provide a non abrasive effective skin exfoliation. These natural granules are gentle on the skin and do not contain any artificial beads which could harm the planet


A skin brightening and uplifting extract which stimulates the skin by increasing vitamin c levels, regenerating new skin cell formation and evening out the skin complexion. 


A stimulating oil which is anti inflammatory and analgesic, assisting in relaxing muscles and stimulating the body. The oil assists in building immunity and has a clearing scent which assists breathing and sinus cleansing ~ use in a steaming shower for this effect.

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